Welsh Fire Regulation Changes
Compliance Deadline:
1st December 2022
A change to legislation in Wales means that all private rented properties will be required to have smoke alarms on every storey. Smoke alarms also need to be mains powered and connected to the other smoke alarms on the property.
This new legislation, set out in The Renting Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) (Wales) Regulations 2022 takes effect from 15th July 2022. All private landlords need to ensure they are aware of their legal obligations and carry out the required changes to their properties.
Requirements for Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarms
The changes to regulations in Wales affect the installation of fire and carbon monoxide alarms in private rented properties. In addition to installing wired smoke alarms on every storey of the property, landlords are also required to make sure every room with a gas appliance, oil-fired combustion appliance, or solid fuel burning combustion appliance has a working carbon monoxide alarm.
In addition to the required smoke alarms, landlords might choose to install additional alarms as a precaution. Larger properties can benefit from having more alarms to ensure quick activation in the event of smoke or a fire.
Purchasing and Installing Alarms
When purchasing new alarms for properties, landlords should refer to British Standard BS 5839-6 for installation. This is a set of recommendations for fire alarms for dwellings that contains details for the design and installation of alarms. It offers guidance on what type of alarm to install and which areas of the property should be protected. The latest version of this standard is from 2019, which outlines a new system for grading fire alarms. Product standards for alarms include EN 14604:2005 for smoke alarms and BS 5446-3:2003 for heat alarms.
Mains-powered smoke alarms should be professionally installed by a qualified electrician. Many wired smoke alarms also have battery backups, which provide an extra level of protection to any dwelling. When installing a new alarm, be sure to note down the manufacturer's recommended replacement date so that it can be replaced at the right time too.
At Express Electrical, we have a broad range of smoke detectors to help you meet the Welsh fire regulation changes. Affordable options such as the Hispec Fast Fix Mains Smoke Detector allow you to install multiple alarms together.
We've marked all of our alarms that are suitable for meeting the new regulations with a Welsh flag so they're easy to spot (or look out for the Scottish flag if you're a landlord in Scotland).
Our alarms include both heat detectors and smoke detectors. We even have alarms that combine different functions, such as combo heat and smoke detectors and alarms that detect both heat and carbon monoxide. Look for benefits such as 10-year backup lithium batteries and 5-year guarantees on our alarms to ensure you install long-lasting, reliable smoke and heat alarms. Don't forget to look at carbon monoxide detectors too if you don't already have them installed in the appropriate locations.
Fulfil your obligations as a landlord before the new regulations come into place to keep your tenants safe and comply with the law.